I’m Not Who You Think
I’m Not

INWYTIM is augmented reality and mixed media art project. It investigates the transition of images through digital screens.

Within the distinctive blur of the work, INWYTIN constructs networks between the information as it travels provoking translation or mistranslation and creates new publics and debates through everyday issues such as homelessness, social housing and strikes. It delves into the speculation of our engagement with today's reality with digital images and fundamentally questioning the roles of the creation of digital images as 'no longer based on the permanence of the original', but on the transience of the copy.

As the name of the project suggest- rather than commenting on who or what the subject is, but instead looking to suggest what it is NOT. Like homogenized images, their anonymous being is ready to be explored through mixed media from surface to screen. What happens when images cross screens, what's the connection between the image and the image holder and beyond this transition, whose story is it?

I’m Not Who You Think I’m Not / 2018
From the digital installation at Gallery Lock In

I’m Not Who You Think I’m Not / 2018
From the physical installation at Gallery Lock In

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